Merchant Cash Advance
Resources Are Within Your Grasp With a Merchant Cash Advance
Are you in need of working capital? Does your business primarily rely on credit card sales? If you answered yes to both these questions, then Summit Commercial Capital can help.
We offer merchant cash advances as part of our varied financial products portfolio. Unlike traditional loans, you don’t have to worry about collateral, making it a great option for companies that don’t want to risk valuable assets.
What Is a Merchant Cash Advance?
As you might have guessed from the name, this type of financing allows you to take a cash advance against your merchant account. We charge a small fee for the process and collect payments as you make credit card sales.
How Can You Use the Funds?
Once you have the funds from your merchant cash advance, you can spend them however you wish. Here are just a few ways clients have used their funds:
- Covering payroll
- Purchasing inventory
- Renovating locations
- Advertising
- Purchasing equipment
What Are the Benefits?
In addition to having no collateral requirements, merchant cash advances offer the following benefits:
- Fast processing time
- No fixed payments
- No closing costs
- Minimal paperwork
Additionally, we’re more interested in your sales than your credit history. This means you may qualify even if you’ve been turned down for other loans in the past.
How Can You Apply?
If you’re ready to get cash fast, then it’s time to see the experts at Summit Commercial Capital. For more information, reach out to us today.